
Hacksville 1

We have witnessed the relentless ease with which data is being compromised, stolen, held to ransom, we are also trying to legislate digital theft, not from the dirty, baseless criminals stealing it but from the companies that allow it to happen. A long read in The Guardian titled Ransomware hunters: the self-taught tech geniuses fighting cybercrime discusses how ransomware is an efficient crime with little accountability. Even if you pinpoint and arrest the criminal, the damage is far-reaching and ubiquitous and can be traumatising to those that have had their identity stolen.

Hop, Skip…Digital ID

Hop, Skip...Digital ID 3

A single digital identification aligned with government services and beyond is an opt-in system. You don’t have to have a digital identity to access the services, you might in the future though. If the government had a better track record on data privacy then maybe there wouldn’t be such a backlash but there are things that have happened throughout the pandemic that have made government services almost impossible to access any other way than online, 5km movement restriction, anyone?

The travel bug

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

When the Medicare app was first released some years ago, I was a first adopter. I told everyone who would listen that the “Medicare wallet is the ultimate convenience”. I enthralled medical receptionists with the app technology that was basically a picture of my Medicare card and immediate access to me and my family’s immunisation history…