Application Penetration Testing Adelaide
What we do when we do a pentest for your Adelaide business
The focus of Web Developers is ensuring their web applications meet the functionality required by the market. That’s why at Faster Networks we focus on testing your Web Applications to ensure they are safe and ready for market. As part of this focus, we offer a managed application penetration testing service (pentest) for Adelaide businesses.
As applications rapidly evolve and update it can be hard for Adelaide businesses to stay up to date of where vulnerabilities in security are. That’s one of the many reasons we offer a managed penetration testing service. A penetration test is also commonly known as a pentest and is a simulated cyber attack. It checks to see if and where your application has security risks. This includes a Vulnerability Scan Report for your most critical web applications. In this report we provide recommendations to remediate your vulnerabilities to protect your digital ecosystem from future cyber assault.
Our penetration testing identifies vulnerabilities in web applications irrespective of the type of technology they are built on. That is why we are able to find vulnerabilities that real-world attackers are exploiting.
Our application penetration testing services for your Adelaide business in detail
We make sure the digital assets of your Adelaide business stay protected through our pentesting services
Websites have progressed from a collection of simple static HTML pages to have interactive user experiences that allow professional organisations to have immediate access to the latest information for their Adelaide business. As a result, more advanced technologies are being used. It also means that entire online applications can be produced through website interfaces that maximise connectivity and user experiences.
Whether your Adelaide business runs a simple website through a CMS or a complex software network with custom applications, your system will most likely be attacked at some point. That’s why it is important to know in advance what attacks will occur and what the consequences of these attacks will be on your assets and data. You need access to your data, but often it is proprietary and confidential and only authorised access should be allowed.
Faster Networks provides application pentesting for Adelaide businesses to evaluate the security of their websites and web applications. We provide detailed discovery reports to our clients to communicate security vulnerability and the potential for security exploitation with a focus on providing solutions.
Contact Faster Networks on +61 3 9016 0085 or send us an email to start your Application Penetration Testing (Pentest) for your websites.
Simulated Attacks
We run specialist non-harmful attacks to test your applications
To test your applications, we run a series of simulated non-harmful attacks designed to find access weaknesses that provide us with access to your data.
Our simulated attacks include:
- SQL injection
- Brute force attacks
- Scripting attacks
- Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks
- Phishing attacks
- Known vulnerability attacks
- Additional proprietary attacks
We also cover all vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP top 10. All of our application penetration testing is designed to test your software in an attempt to gain direct access to your data through vulnerabilities in the application itself. As a result, we identify web application security issues so you, as our clients, can remediate them before attackers exploit them.
Reporting and Remediation
Proof, Vulnerability Report & Remediation Recommendations
Normally when a hacker gains access to your data, you will not even know it has happened. Sometimes they will leave an access port for themselves to return, but often they just take what they want and leave, knowing they can return when they choose.
We use the same access techniques as hackers, but it is an ethical simulated attack, that has been approved by you, with the purpose of identifying how hackers can get in and do damage.
Our objectives are:
- Providing proof as to where your system is vulnerable and how your data can be accessed.
- To continue testing once a vulnerability has been identified. We keep testing against all the known techniques that could penetrate your application security and provide access to your data.
- To record what we have done and when it was done.
- Provide a Vulnerability Report identifying all the vulnerabilities we have found in your application security and the risk profile of the vulnerability.
- Provide recommendations to help you update your application to remove the vulnerabilities and prevent future attacks from working.
We provide detailed discovery reports to our Adelaide business clients to communicate security vulnerability and potential for security exploitation with a view to providing solutions.
Contact Faster Networks on +61 3 9016 0085 or send us an email to start your Application Penetration Testing (Pentest) for your websites.