Vulnerability Management Canberra
What we do
When we provide our vulnerability management services to for Canberra businesses
Faster Networks are a team of explorers and fixers.
Faster Networks provide a range of vulnerability management services for Canberra businesses. This is done by identifying and analysing business security weaknesses to pre-empt threats and prevent attacks. We provide risk-based analysis, which is used to facilitate a security response. Our analysis and response are both designed for your individual infrastructure and application requirements.
Faster Networks analyse and prioritise security vulnerabilities that are critical to your Canberra business. With this information we remediate and reduce your organisation’s cyber risk in a cost-effective way.
The software solutions we offer unite existing security tools. They also provide scalable, multi-tenant, cloud-based technology. With the benefits of workflow automation, real time threat intelligence, an intuitive interface and concise reporting, Faster Networks’ software solutions are proficient and evidence based.

Our vulnerability management services for Canberra businesses in detail
We ensure your digital assets stay protected
Vulnerability Management is about:
1) Identifying vulnerabilities;
2) Assessing the risk posed by identified vulnerabilities;
3) Prioritising vulnerability remediation;
4) Facilitating security responses; and
5) Continuous evaluation.
1) Identify Vulnerabilities
To enable the vulnerabilities of your Canberra business to be managed effectively, you have to firstly identify what they are. This process needs to be continually evolving to enable the recognition of new threats as they arise. Vulnerabilities are anything that allows unwanted access to your information. They can also be part of the computers through the BIAS or OS. They can be in specialist software systems that your Canberra business operates or they could be in software that you develop internally. Any system that can be accessed via the internet or another computer should be tested to ensure it doesn’t have any access vulnerabilities.
Most vulnerabilities are first detected by security companies like, Faster Networks, when they do a Penetration Test.
2) Assess Risk
Every vulnerability has a different degree of risk associated with it. Some factors affecting the degree of risk include how well known the technique that is being used to access your information is? What information does the vulnerability expose? As well as how likely is it that someone will find the vulnerability?
While a DDoS attack may stop your network from being accessible while the attack is active, it doesn’t expose your confidential data. This means unless your system has time critical functionality, this type of vulnerability may not be as serious as others.
Alternatively, a cross site scripting (XSS) attack may gain access to an application, a website or server. Again, it depends on what information can be accessed as to how critical this type of vulnerability is.
The objective is to identify and remediate all vulnerabilities. However, it is also important for vulnerability management to have an understanding of what level of risk the vulnerability poses to the business.
Faster Networks provide reports which include risk assessments with every penetration test we perform. As result, you are fully aware of your current vulnerability level for your Canberra business.
3) Prioritise Remediation
All management decisions are made through prioritising how important the actions are to the business, as well as it’s operations. Vulnerability management is no exception. Just because there is a vulnerability doesn’t mean there is a serious and time critical problem that needs to be addressed. However, issues arise when someone exploits the vulnerability at your expense.
Once a vulnerability has been identified and is risk assessed, you need to identify what possible remediation options are available. Costs to remediate along with when remediation is required are the next steps. Sometimes businesses may decide that a specific vulnerability is an acceptable risk and will do nothing to remediate them. Other vulnerabilities will result in an immediate and costly remediation exercise to prevent loss of critical data.
Faster Networks uses Vulnerability Management software that will adapt to your work requirements and prioritise vulnerability remediation according to your specific business needs.
4) Facilitate Security Response
Vulnerability Remediation is often the most important part of cyber security. This means once a vulnerability is detected, assessed and prioritised, you need to act to remediate the threat.
Faster Networks has the expertise to facilitate the security responses required to remediate your vulnerabilities. With our extensive knowledge of the vulnerabilities, we will identify what is needed to correct most issues and where the corrective actions are required. In some cases, this may be an automated response with adjustments to configuration settings and firewalls. This can often be done remotely but at other times it requires manual interventions.
Our SOAR playbook provides specific details on how to handle the different types of vulnerabilities and what actions are required when a vulnerability requires remediation.
5) Continuous Evaluation
With the continuously changing nature of IT, new exploits and vulnerabilities are continually being identified. As well, sometimes vulnerabilities can re-emerge due to software updates or configuration changes.
Vulnerability management is a continuous process for all Canberra businesses. As a result, you need to regularly retest your systems against the latest vulnerability solutions to ensure you are meeting both old and new threats alike.
This is where the Faster Networks range of vulnerability management solutions provide the best results. Our best in class SOAR (Security, Orchestration, Automation Response) solutions will automate the vulnerability evaluation process for your Canberra business. We will retest your system against any previously detected vulnerabilities. This will confirm when they have been remediated and also to ensure they don’t return. At the same time we will be looking for new and emerging vulnerabilities to ensure your systems have the best cyber security available.
Contact Faster Networks on +61 3 9016 0085 or send us an email to start your Vulnerability Management for your websites.